Schmersal contributes to the setup of the VDMA 66413 index libraries
Starting gun for the introduction of a universal database
Standards EN ISO 13849-1 and EN 62061 stipulate the evaluation and calculation of the probability of a hazardous failure of the “safety functions of a machine”. This must be carried out, documented and evidenced by the machine manufacturer. The indices from the safety-related components are provided by the component manufacturers. Based on these indices, the users can determine the safety level reached, the performance level (PL) or safety integrity level (SIL) of its safety-technical switchgear - either manually or using calculation tools (e.g. Sistema, Safety Evaluation, Pascal). To date, this has been made more difficult by different exchange formats. All those involved in the information exchange are affected: machine and component manufacturers and calculation tool providers. In recent years, the manufacturers of automation components, machine tools and calculation tools have been working together in the VDMA on finding a solution to this problem. The VDMA standard sheet 66413:2012-07 “Functional Safety - Universal database for safety-related indices for components or parts of controllers” describes a consistent electronic data exchange format for the safety-related indices required from automation components. As well as the Schmersal Group, which provided the index library, around 40 other automation and mechanical engineering industry companies took part.
More information on the VDMA 66413 universal database can be found at this link.