Solenoid interlock from Schmersal is the "Product of the Year 2021"
The AZM40 solenoid interlock - the smallest electronic solenoid interlock in the world! - took second place in the “Product of the Year 2021” competition organized by the German Weka Fachmedien publishing house. Philip Schmersal and Stephan Frick received these days the silver cup and certificate. Due to the corona pandemic, the award ceremony could only take place online this year.
The editors of Computer & Automation magazine (C&A) selected and assessed 500 products for the competition. Of these, 96 products were ultimately nominated in twelve categories. The magazine's readers could choose their favorites from the remaining 96 products.
Schmersal came second in the “Safety” category thanks to the votes from the readers.
Congratulations to the AZM40 team!